Sunday, October 21, 2012

phat rhymes

One evening some weeks ago I was riding home from a party. The sky being dark, my way home was lit only by the odd streetlight. Whistling as I rode, I was nearing my destination and looking forward to a hot shower, especially given the briskness of the air that night. To my surprise, a man on the sidewalk began singing along to my whistled tune (U2's "With or Without You"), and he accompanied me for a few bars before I shouted my approval. A week later as I was exiting my yoga studio I heard a young woman singing as she rode by. I got on my bike and caught up to her and told her how happy it makes me to hear people just expressing themselves. These aren't isolated cases - I can't remember the number of times I walk by people humming a tune and I just can't help but join in for a measure or two.

I once heard that we whistle less now than we did fifty years ago and that it may have something to do with us being less happy now then we were last century. I hope this isn't the case - because from what I experience humankind is still very much alive :)